Red River Counseling

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How to Reflect on 2020

As we wrap up this very strange, painful, and lonely year; it’s good to sit and spend some time in reflection. I have heard before that moving forward in life is more akin to being in a rowboat than a canoe or kayak. We face backward to move forward. We do not anchor ourselves to our past, nor do we ignore it, but we learn from it as we navigate our way into what’s next. In this post, I will give you some prompts to help you reflect on this past year.

Fair warning, this is not about achievements and failures, goals or resolutions. This reflection is about finding out where you have been, where you are, and where you want to go.

  What did you face this year that you wanted to avoid? How did facing it shape you?

 When did you ask for help? How did asking for help challenge you?


When did you not ask for help but you needed to?


What scared you this past year? How did you handle that fear?


Which relationship(s) grew this year? What helped their growth?


Which relationship(s) deteriorated? What spurred on their decline?


What goal did you have to give up on this year? How did you handle the grief of letting it go?


What do you need to grieve this past year but haven’t? What loss do you ignore thinking about? (relationships, time, goals, experiences, work, security, safety, traditions, expectations…)


What did you question about yourself in 2020?


What simple thing(s) did you find pleasure in?


What strength did you discover about yourself this past year?


What weakness did you discover about yourself this past year?


In the midst of the trials of this past year, how did you grow? (Emotionally/Relationally/Spiritually/Mentally/Physically)


In the midst of the trials of this past year, how did you flail or falter? (Emotionally/Relationally/Spiritually/Mentally/Physically)


What do you want to leave or let go of in 2020?


What do you want to take from 2020 into your future?


What did 2020 show you that you need less of in your life?


What did 2020 show you that you need more of in your life?


Now, taking all that, fill in these blanks.

Because 2020 ____________________,
I was __________________________.
Now that 2020 is over, I have learned that:
I need ___________________________.
I want ___________________________.
I have __________________________.
I am  ___________________________.
I love ___________________________.
I will ___________________________.