Why I'm moving back to Jackson...

Three and a half years ago, my family and I moved from Jackson to Pangburn in order for me to work at a local treatment center. I had hoped this would help me continue to develop in my vocation as a counselor, as well as in my desire to lead in this field. After a year and a half of working there, it became apparent that I needed to leave, at which time I started Red River Counseling in Heber Springs, AR. Needless to say, this business has been at least as much of a blessing to me and my family as it has been to my clients. I’ve come to love this place (especially the Little Red) and its people. Moving is marked by joy and sorrow.

Over these past few years, my wife and I have realized how much Jackson is our home. I started working on a PhD in Counselor Education and Supervision back in January 2019, with the hopes of one day teaching full time at my alma mater, Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson. Over these years we’ve tried to find a way to move back, but have been overwhelmed by all the many different things that would need to happen in order for it to be good for our family. So, we’ve been waiting and praying.

Then in mid-June, after we had given up on being able to move this year, my wife was offered a job that perfectly fits her passions, skills, and vocational desires. Within a week’s time, we sold our home in Pangburn, as well as my office to a reputable therapist, and found a home we love in the Jackson area. Over the years, I’ve begun to trust God’s promptings, and it seems His mercies are all over this move. One of my major concerns was making sure my clients would be in good hands, and it’s with a high degree of confidence that I reached out to Ken Clark with Chenal Family Therapy.

Although this move is mixed with hope and grief, we believe it’s in the best interest of our family . Our friends, community, my clients and my wife’s students, will be deeply missed. Thank you for allowing me to be piece of healing here in Heber Springs. It is a profound honor to be entrusted in the way that people have.

If you are a former client and are wanting further counseling services or to receive help with medications to treat anxiety, depression or other mental health conditions, I would highly encourage you to reach out to Chenal Therapy by visiting their website at www.ChenalTherapy.com, emailing them at Schedule@ChenalTherapy.com or calling 501-781-2230.