Signs of an Unhelpful Counselor

Signs of an Unhelpful Counselor

What are some signs that you might need to find a new counselor? In this article, Branden discusses 6 signs that your counselor might not be a good fit: boundaries, unqualified, one size fits all, their life is out of control, avoidance, and unbalanced feedback.

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You CAN trust your emotions

You CAN trust your emotions

Can you trust your emotions? To start, what do you believe emotions even are? And what does it mean to trust them?
In this short article, Branden Henry explains simply the role of emotions in your life, what they are and what they aren’t, and why he thinks you can trust them.

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How to Reflect on 2020

How to Reflect on 2020

As we wrap up this very strange, painful, and lonely year; it’s good to sit and spend some time in reflection. In this post, I will give you some writing prompts to help get you reflect on this past year.

Fair warning, this reflection is not about achievements and failures, goals and resolutions. This reflection is about finding out where you have been, where you are, and where you want to go.

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Your Role in Race Relations

Your Role in Race Relations

How are you navigating the conflict at the heart of our nation? What are you doing with the complex emotions you feel around the deaths of black men and women? Do you feel like your way of life is being threatened?

This blog post is written to help white folks figure out the role they’re playing in race relations. Based on the Karpman Triangle, you’ll be able to understand if you’re playing the victim, offender, or rescuer…and how you can move towards ownership.

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A new name for 'pornography'

A new name for 'pornography'

Pornography is no longer an apt word to define the sexually explicit images and writing accessible to mainstream ‘porn’ users. So what should we call pornography which has become so personalized while simultaneously removing the person?

3-5 minute read-

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